The Workshop

In 2024, the 3rd year of our project, we hold an international workshop to support international scientific collaboration on the modelling of the Global Atmospheric Electric Circuit (GEC).

On Day 1 we would like to make emphasis on the effect of atmospheric aerosol affecting the conductivity and resistances in the GEC, and thus further global and local GEC parameters. We will hear talks from invited atmospheric physics scientists to deepen our knowledge of the current advances in atmospheric aerosol science, observations and modelling. In the afternoon we will hold a poster session.

On Day 2 we would like to make emphasis on the effects of the coupling of the GEC with the magnetosphere-ionosphere current system. We will hear talks from invited magnetospheric and planetary physics scientists to deepen our knowledge in this research field. We will also continue with poster presentations and discussions.

On Day 3 we plan to give you an introduction and tutorials on the EGATEC engineering model of the Global Electric Circuit. The model has been further developed during our grant project.

During the workshop we also plan a trip to Stanisław Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory in Świder (near Warsaw), an atmospheric electricity station about 100 years old.

Last updated 3 Jun 2024