The Agenda of the workshop is available at the link here: Agenda 13/09/24 (final)
We will convene between 10:00 and 16:00 CEST on Wednesday and Thursday, and 09:30 and 15:30 CEST on Friday.
Speakers and lecturers of the workshop: Prof. Brian Tinsley, Prof. Michael Rycroft, Prof. Earle Williams, Prof. Steve Milan, Dr. Maria-Theresia Walach, Prof. Masashi Kamogawa, Prof. Aleksander Pietruczuk, Dr. Artur Szkop, Dr. Anna Odzimek.
Titles of workshop invited talks and lectures:
Wednesday (11 Sep 2024)
Brian Tinsley: “The influence of the solar wind electric and magnetic fields on the latitude and temporal variations of the current density, Jz, of the global electric circuit, with relevance to weather and climate”
Artur Szkop: “Overview of atmospheric aerosols and their connections with atmospheric electricity”
Aleksander Pietruczuk “Techniques of aerosol measurements by the example of IGF PAS, Poland”
Anna Odzimek “Global atmospheric electric circuit (GEC) and GEC modelling – a historical perspective and modern approach”
Thursday (12 Sep 2024)
Steve Milan: “Electrodynamics of the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupled system”
Maria Walach: “Electrodynamic Coupling and Time Variability in the Ionospheric Electric Field”
Friday (13 Sep 2024)
Michael Rycroft: “Some key points about the Global Electric Circuit (GEC)”
Earle Williams: “Chimney Source Quantification based on Single Station Observations of the Schumann Resonance Fundamental Magnetic Mode (8 Hz) at High Latitude”
Masashi Kamogawa: “Surface atmospheric electric field measurements for global electric circuit studies at Syowa Station, Antarctica: reducing charged snow particle noise from ground snowstorms”
Jose Tacza: “Intecomparison of ThunderHours and Lightning-clusters at different timescales”
Posters on Thursday (12 Sep 2024)
Piotr Barański: “E-field signatures of lightning stroke incidents recorded by LLDN-E station during the snowstorm episode in Warsaw on 15th January 2024”
Alnilam Fernandes: “Tropospheric aerosol layers: Types, Sources and Variability”
Masashi Kamogawa: “Long-term continuous observation of the atmospheric electric field at Kakioka, Japan”
Masashi Kamogawa: “Local modulation of atmospheric electricity – The 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant accident”
Thi Phung Anna: “Utilizing LOFAR PL610 measurements for ionospheric research”
Rubén M. Romero: “Neural Network-Based Prediction of the Potential Gradient: Insights from Peru, Argentina, and Brazil”
Michael Rycroft: “Determining the time constant of the global atmospheric electric circuit through modelling and observations”
Anna Odzimek: “An air conductivity model with variable aerosol content”
Brian Tinsley: “Large Scale Effects of Jz on Weather and Climate”
Brian Tinsley: “Electrical Effects on Cloud Microphysics”
Anne Neska: “Schumann Resonance Monitoring in Hornsund and Suwalki Stations: Data Availability 2016-2024 and Analysis Perspectives due to the Wavelet Transform”
Jose Tacza: “Modulation of the ground-based potential gradient by cosmic rays”
Izabela Pawlak: “Multiannual variations of fair weather potential gradient and positive air conductivity (1965-2005) at the Geophysical Observatory in Świder, Poland”
Daniel Kępski: “Meteorological data as a basis for the interpretation of atmospheric electricity measurements”
General Programme

Last update: 3 October 2024