The newly funded project by Poland National Science Center at Institute of Geophysics PAS is aimed at both analysis of the long-term observations from Świder atmospheric electricity station, and making progress on the modelling of the Global Astmospheric Electric Circuit (GEC) with the EGATEC model (Odzimek et al. 2010). We will analyse both experimental observatory datasets and model data calculated by the EGATEC model. The experimental data will come from the long series of measurements (1957-2005) of the Geophysical Observatory of the Institute of Geophysics PAS in Świder, Poland (52°07′ N, 21°14′ E). We aim to give the data series a new digital life by digitising it from published paper Observatory yearbooks. By this action we anticipate providing opportunities for a fresh insight into the electrical environment of the mid-latitude station. The dataset will also serve validation purposes for the EGATEC model that urgently requires further developments. EGATEC runs will be made for the period 1998-2006, at present limited by the availability of input atmospheric datasets the model relies on. We will identify necessary changes and seek possibilities of further improvements to the model. We plan to complete this project by organising an international workshop on GEC modelling that will support collaboration on this research field world-wide.

POLGEC project at the NSC database: